Sunday, August 12, 2012

Proving that we aren't robots!

We are receiving quite a few comments regarding the necessity to prove that we aren't robots when leaving comments.  In the good old days this wasn't a problem but, since the format has changed to very difficult to read numbers and words (sometimes impossible,)  it sometimes  takes several attempts to get the code right.

If there is a possibility that you are willing to disable this function it would be much appreciated.  There doesn't seem to be a problem with spam for those bloggers who do not use the code check.  Thankyou!


  1. I whole-heartedly agree.

  2. I have setup my blog to send me an email for every comment. If a comment happens to be spam, I remove it immediately. I probably had one or two spam comments in the past years.

  3. I took myself out of showing up in a Google search in the setup part of Blogger. It seems to help.

  4. I agree, I have trouble with reading the words and then just don't do it.

  5. Hooray ! I agree with your post. It is a pain. Especially, when there are alternatives.

  6. I have reviewed my blog and have removed the word option; if anyone has a few minutes to spare, would you please visit my blog and give me feedback to make sure it is set up for easy access? I appreciate it.

    Also, how do I create an html in this message so my blog is a clickable link? I still can't find that info.
